Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Hello and welcome to my mind.  Let me warn you; this can be a weird place. 
So why a blog?  Well, mostly because I have something to say. My kids can tell you (because they've heard it all their lives) that personal responsibility is a HUGE deal to me.  I guess it started when I was working in death penalty defense.  I got so tired of reading all the briefs that stated the defendant wasn't  first-degree murder eligible because he couldn't form the requisite intent.  Usually it was because he was drunk or high at the time and had a severe chemical addiction and yadda yadda yadda.  

Then I spent the next couple of decades watching society go to hell in a handbasket.  And as I watched I saw more and more things that bothered me.  Everyone wanting to sue everyone for everything.... wanting the government to support them (don't get me wrong, there's a difference between needing a helping hand and having someone else support you).  I just get so tired of no one taking responsibility for themselves and I'm convinced if more people were raised to do so, this world would be a much better place.

So, this blog is going to be a place for me to vent about all the stupid ways I see of people wanting to blame everyone else but themselves for what happens in their lives.  People your life is a result of your decisions... period.

Now, on with the blog......

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